
A fish in an aquarium with flat sides
A fish in an aquarium with flat sides

Afterwards, the aquarium needs time to establish a healthy ecosystem, and your fish should go through quarantine to prevent the spread of any diseases. Preparations for starting a new aquarium can take about one to two weeks for gathering the proper materials, installing the equipment, and starting the aquarium cycling process. How Long Do You Have to Wait to Put Fish in a New Tank? The more mistakes that are made, the more likely people will give up on fish keeping entirely. After years of running a fish store, we find that it’s very important for new hobbyists to be successful right off the bat. While some of these instructions may seem overly detailed, please take them seriously to avoid the most common pitfalls for beginners. Wouldn’t it be nice if an experienced aquarist could lead you step-by-step through the entire process? Follow along as we share our best practices for setting up the perfect home for your new pet fish. If you’re starting a new aquarium, the amount of information on the internet can be overwhelming.

A fish in an aquarium with flat sides